Saturday, September 27, 2014


Ann has been walking without her boot for nearly a month.  Each week we have taken longer and more adventurous hikes to help strengthen her ankle.

We visited with Ann's sister Kathy and her husband John in Bristol, Tennessee/Virginia.  This city is unique in that the state line between Virginia and Tennessee runs right down the middle of the main street.  There are two separate town governments, school systems, etc.

We went for a walk in a city park on a cool Saturday morning.  This Blue Heron flew close to us to have a better look.  This was the only wildlife we saw.

After playing lots of table games and card games while catching up on the latest family news, it was time for us to head south to Asheville, NC.  Along our two hour journey, there were about 7 miles of a 6% downhill grade which the motorhome handled well using the grade brake, like truckers use to slow the rate of descent.  The scenery was beautiful along our route.

Between visits to several craft breweries in the Asheville area, we found time to take a nice hike in the Bent Creek area just south of downtown Asheville, while viewing the wonderful mountain scenery.  Bent Creek watershed is part of the Pisgah National Forest.  Paul is shown below on the large fishing pier on the lake.  The pieces of PVC pipe attached to the railing are used by fishermen to hold their fishing poles.

This turtle was basking in the little sunlight for warmth on a cool morning.

This butterfly looked like the same kind we had seen along the New River Trail in Galax.  We now know that this is a black and blue swallowtail.  The blue was iridescent in the sunshine, just beautiful.

We saw several new late summer wildflowers which were in bloom.  First, this vibrant blue Asiatic Dayflower, also appropriately named Mouse Ears,

Dotted Smartweed,

An unknown variety of daisy,

Cardinal Flower,

and Boneset.

Some of the leaves on trees were beginning to change color, a sure sign that fall is just around the corner.

This was a great way to end our summer hiking adventures.  Once we get back to Florida there will still be heat and humidity to deal with along with the absence of mountain trails.

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