Wednesday, May 14, 2014


When we made the final turn into the Lake Ridge RV Resort, we couldn't help but notice the rolling hills as we followed the road to the office.  It is easy to see why the name of the closest town is Hillsville.

As you enter the resort, you see this view of the main building across the hillside, which houses the camp office, camp store, activities/crafts room, large game room and snack bar. 

As you get closer to the camp office, you drive along a tree lined road bordering a 3-acre lake.  

Here is a view across the lake towards the paddle boat dock.  There is catch and release fishing in the lake too.

In addition to campsites for RV's and tents, we have about 25 cabins of various sizes for those guests who want the camping experience without having to purchase any camping equipment.  The cabins below are 2-room lodges that can sleep up to eight guests.

The pool and water slide area is very large, with lots of chairs on the deck for relaxing.  Once the weather warms up, there will be a lot of day use guests as well as overnight guests utilizing these wonderful facilities.  

Here is a view of the water slides taken from our campsite.  Riders float down the slides using the blue tubes seen on the left of the photo below near the yellow umbrella.  The multi-colored slide in the foreground is called the Rainbow, and the black slide in the back is called the Black Momba.  Notice most of the Black Momba is covered so you go down this slide virtually in the dark, similar to Space Mountain at Disney World. 

The resort has an 18 hole mini golf course too.

For the first week, we were given the use of a golf cart so that we could better familiarize ourselves with the layout of the resort.  Our guests like to rent golf carts so that they can get around the campground faster than they can on foot.

As you can see, the facilities are extensive and well kept.  Our guests get to enjoy all the amenities such as the pools, water slides, paddle boats, and mini golf without paying any additional fees.  Now all we need is some consistent warm weather to bring the crowds of campers and day visitors.

1 comment:

  1. Just showed this to Amelia. She is eager to try the water slides and mini golf!
