Sunday, May 4, 2014


After the holidays, we headed to Sarasota to work our fourth spring training season for the Baltimore Orioles. Paul did work one prior spring training as a parking lot attendant at spring training games in Sarasota before Ann joined in the fun to work in the ticket office.

It was during his first spring training in 2010 that Paul observed the bald eagles in a cell tower just across the street from Ed Smith Stadium.  Paul would watch these eagles and marvel at their constant vigil in keeping an eye out for any possible predators to their nest.  Each spring there were baby bald eagles sticking their heads up to look out of the nest.  Why these eagles chose to nest in the middle of the city rather than in nearby fields or swamps will never be known. 

Paul pointed out the eagle nest to Ann when she first came to Sarasota a year later.  Every since then, we have observed this family of bald eagles return each year to the same nest.  From our trips to Wyoming and studying bald eagles, we know that they are territorial and will return year after year to the same nest.

Here is a view of of one of the adult eagles at the top of the cell tower.

A close-up view - awesome!.

This photo shows the immense size of the nest.  Our estimates are that the nest is approximately 8-10 feet across.  Each year when they return, the eagles will add some additional twigs or grass to the nest to fortify it for the coming winter and spring.

It is fascinating to watch these huge birds when we come to work each day at the stadium as well as when we are walking out to our car to leave for the day.  The Orioles are not the only birds in Sarasota in the springtime.

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