Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The resort is still not very full as we approach Memorial Day weekend. Families are not yet traveling on vacation because children are still in school.  

Our two resident geese are just wandering about the paddle boat dock waiting to head north for the summer.  Since the mother goose is out and about, we have concluding that there are no baby goslings this spring.

Paul is relaxing by our portable propane fire pit after grilling our dinner.

We did have a decent crowd over Mother's Day Weekend.  Among our guests, were five families all camping together, with the common bond being that all husband sing together in a bluegrass band.  On Saturday evening they got together to play for the other campers.  Enjoy listening to some of their music.

The rhododendron is the state flower of Virginia.  They grow wild here at the campground and are in full bloom all around the resort.  Take a look as these beautiful and colorful flowers.  First, this dark pink bush that we walk by every day on our way to work.

Here is a close-up of one flower cluster.  Look how vivid the color is in the bright sunlight.

This light pink rhododendron is located in front of one of the homes in the resort.

Our slower and shorter 6-hour days are about to come to an end.  The pace will intensify over Memorial Day weekend when we are sold out.  Hopefully our guests will enjoy the beauty and tranquility that our wonderful RV resort has to offer.  If the weather is nice, I'm sure the pool and water slides will get used heavily. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos of the flowers! Also, nice job including the video in your post. I can completely imagine the bluegrass music fits well in the atmosphere in the Virginia mountains. Can't wait to be there in two months!
